Introduction to Collaborative Practice

  • 19 Feb 2021
  • Online

The Collaborative Law process is at the cutting edge of dispute resolution practice today, with an emphasis on problem solving, negotiation and co-operation to settle conflict. The non-confrontational nature of Collaborative Practice enables Lawyers working with other professionals and their clients to respectfully resolve disputes and, ultimately, stay out of Court.

Join Collaborative Family Lawyer, Clarissa Rayward and her team of collaborative experts including financial and mental health experts for an engaging 6 week online program that will add new dimensions to your skills and the services you offer your clients.

Collaborative Practice is now a widely used form of dispute resolution for separating families.  This program is designed to meet the standards detailed in the Law Council of Australia’s “Australian Collaborative Practice Guidelines for Lawyers”.  It will also satisfy the requirements to be classified as a collaborative professional with both the Queensland Collaborative Law Association and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

You can earn CPD points- self assessed 1 per each hour of attendance. 

For more information, go here: